{I opened your christmas presents for you}
{We went tubing on the Meramec}
{We stared in amazement at the flying fish in the middle of the ocean}
{Isn't it nice to know the lining is silver?}
{We rode donkeys up a cobblestone path to Greek ruins}
{Our late-night talks}
{We had every song in Aristocats memorized}
{Bike rides in the winter}
{That time we made empanadas together}
{We waded in the ocean at Mykonos}
{You always pressuring me to go on all the rollercoasters}
{Setting up the town at Christmastime}
{We would swing in the backyard}
{Ella Fitzgerald's music}
"There's no better friend than a sister and there's no better sister than you."
So whether it's during the hardest time ever or these cherished moments, I'm thankful to know I'm not alone.