1) The lovely mile run I took last Saturday morning. I was finally able to run after weeks of being sick with pneumonia and the weather was incredible. Now I can try to reach my goal of running three miles in a row.
2) Shoeboxes. My dad and sister and I strolled through walmart picking out school supplies, toothbrushes, toys, and t-shirts to compile in shoeboxes. It’s a family tradition and I will miss doing it with my family when I’m in college next fall.
3) Breezy Beach ultimate Frisbee soccer? Highlights include getting the soccer ball kicked into my neck, being stung by a jelly fish, letting my friends bury me in sand, and doing a crazy scavenger hunt. So worth it though!
4) Artwork. While my window was open and letting the beautiful breeze come into my room, with my music on, and with a paintbrush in my hand, I made a lot of headway on my concentration section for my art portfolio.
5) Yankee Candle. When my mom, sister, and I were shopping, we walked in the Yankee Candle store to smell all the wonderful candles. My sister and I both confessed that scents spark memories for us. Therefore, that time in Yankee Candle reminded me of a lot of great moments.
6) Passport renewal. I can travel again soon! I wonder what country stamps will be in this passport…
7) Wednesday night small groups and prayer time. I had a wonderful time in prayer with my small group!
8) September. No, not the month, but the song by earth, wind, and fire. I have to admit, I love the time my sister, dad, and I spend listening to 70’s music in the car. Most of the music I can’t stand, but I just love the quality time. I know that in year when I’m in college, I will miss it.
9) Cooking Turkey with my mom. And eating pumpkin pie with my dad. And watching Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade with my sister. MEMORIES.
10) Finally finishing the Book Prayer by Philip Yancey. What book next?
11) Deep conversations with friends I haven’t seen in forever. Why does college have to take friends so far away? I love the encouragement I can get from one evening catching up.
12) Watching my parents make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless. :)
13) A Surprise Birthday Party for someone who definitely deserved one!
14) Christmas music. In the car. As I drive my sister and I around.
15) Who God is. What God has done. How God is working in my life today. All the blessings that each new day brings. Each breath of air. Each sunset and sunrise. The stars that don’t fail to shine. Hope. Making mistakes but being forgiven. Having the ability to point others to Christ. That is what I am thankful for this past week.
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